Asteroid Facts
- About 6000 asteroids have been discovered. Several hundred
more are discovered each
year. There are undoubtedly hundreds of thousands more that are too small
to be seen from the Earth.
There are 26 known asteroids larger than 200 km
in diameter. Our census of the largest ones is now fairly complete: we probably
know 99% of the asteroids larger than 100 km in diameter. Of those in the 10 to
100 km range we have cataloged about half. But we know very few of the smaller
ones; perhaps as many as a million 1 km sized asteroids may exist.
- The total mass of all the asteroids is less than that of the
- 243 Ida and 951 Gaspra
were photographed by the Galileo
spacecraft on its way to Jupiter. They are the only asteroids which have
beens studied closely. The proposed NEAR
mission will investigate 433 Eros.
- The largest asteroid by far is 1 Ceres. It is 914 km in diameter
and contains
about 25% of the mass of all the asteroids combined. The next largest are
2 Pallas, 4 Vesta and
10 Hygiea which are between 400 and 525 km in diameter. All
other known asteroids are less than 340 km across.
- There is some debate as to the
classification of asteroids, comets and moons.
There are many planetary satellites that are probably better thought of as
captured asteroids. Mars's tiny moons
Deimos and
outer eight moons,
Saturn's outermost moon,
and perhaps some of the newly discovered moons of
Uranus and Neptune
are all more similar to asteroids than to the larger moons.
- Asteroids are classified into a number of types
according to their spectra (and hence their chemical composition) and
- C-type, includes more than 75% of known asteroids:
extremely dark (albedo 0.03);
similar to carbonaceous chondrite meteorites;
approximately the same chemical composition as the
Sun minus hydrogen, helium and
other volatiles;
- S-type, 17%: relatively bright (albedo .10-.22); metallic
nickel-iron mixed with iron- and magnesium-silicates;
- M-type, most of the rest: bright (albedo .10-.18); pure
- There are also a dozen or so other rare types.
Because of biases involved in the observations (e.g. the dark C-types
are harder to see),
the percentages above may not be representative of the true distribution of
asteroids. (There are actually several classification schemes in use today.)
- Asteroids are also categorized by their position
in the solar system:
- Main Belt: located between Mars and Jupiter roughly
2 - 4 AU from the Sun;
further divided into subgroups: Hungarias, Floras,
Phocaea, Koronis, Eos, Themis, Cybeles and Hildas (which are
named after the main asteroid in the group).
- Atens: semimajor axes less than 1.0 AU
and aphelion
distances greater than 0.983 AU;
- Apollos: semimajor axes greater than 1.0 AU and
perihelion distances
less than 1.017 AU
- Amors: perihelion distances between 1.017 and 1.3 AU;
- Trojans: located near Jupiter's
Lagrange points (60 degrees
ahead and behind Jupiter in its orbit). More than 1000 such
asteroids are now known; curiously, there are twice
as many in the leading point than in the trailing one.
(There may also be a few small asteroids
in the Lagrange points of Venus and Earth
(see Earth's Second Moon)
that are also sometimes known as
5261 Eureka is a "Mars Trojan".)
Between the main concentrations of asteroids in the
Main Belt are
relatively empty regions known as the Kirkwood gaps. These are
regions where an object's orbital period would be a simple fraction of that
of Jupiter. An object in such an orbit is very
likely to be accelerated by Jupiter into a different orbit.
- There also a few "asteroids" known in the outer solar system: 2060 Chiron
(aka 95 P/Chiron) orbits
between Saturn and Uranus;
the orbit of 5335 Damocles ranges from near Mars
to beyond
Uranus; 5145 Pholus orbits from Saturn to past
There are probably many more, but such planet-crossing orbits are unstable and
they are likely to be perturbed
in the future. The composition of these objects
is probably more like that of comets or
the Kuiper Belt objects than that of ordinary asteroids.
In particular, Chiron is now classified as a comet.
- 4 Vesta
has been studied recently with HST
(picture 7). It is a
particularly interesting asteroid in that it seems to have been differentiated
into layers like the terrestrial planets.
This implies some internal heat source
in addition to the heat released by long-lived radio-isotopes which alone would be
insufficient to melt such a small object. There is also a gigantic impact basin
so deep that it exposes the mantle beneath Vesta's outer crust.
- Though they are never visible with the naked eye, many asteroids are visible with
binoculars or small telescopes.
Asteroid table
A few asteroids and comets are listed below for comparison.
(distance is the mean distance to the Sun in thousands of kilometers;
masses in kilograms).
No. Name Distance Radius Mass Discoverer Date
---- --------- -------- ------ ------- ---------- -----
2062 Aten 144514 0.5 ? Helin 1976
3554 Amun 145710 ? ? Shoemaker 1986
1566 Icarus 161269 0.7 ? Baade 1949
951 Gaspra 205000 8 ? Neujmin 1916
1862 Apollo 220061 0.7 ? Reinmuth 1932
243 Ida 270000 35 ? ? 1880?
2212 Hephaistos 323884 4.4 ? Chernykh 1978
4 Vesta 353400 263 2.38e20 Olbers 1807
3 Juno 399400 123 ? Harding 1804
15 Eunomia 395500 136 ? De Gasparis 1851
1 Ceres 413900 457 1.17e21 Piazzi 1801
2 Pallas 414500 261 2.18e20 Olbers 1802
52 Europa 463300 156 ? Goldschmidt 1858
10 Hygiea 470300 215 ? De Gasparis 1849
511 Davida 475400 168 ? Dugan 1903
911 Agamemnon 778100 88 ? Reinmuth 1919
2060 Chiron 2051900 85 ? Kowal 1977
- (above) Comparison of Ida, Gaspra, Deimos and Phobos
96k jpg
- Asteroid Fortuna HST (9/10/93) (0.044 arcseconds per pixel)
3k gif
radar images of 4179 Toutatis 110k gif
16 views of a computer model of 4769 Castalia
78k gif
- more on Ida and Gaspra pages
- map of 4769 Castalia
50k gif
4 Vesta from HST
25k jpg;
216k gif;
83k mpg
- radar image of 1620 Geographos
11k gif
More about asteroids
Open Issues
- Why are there all those asteroids instead of a planet between
Mars and Jupiter?
- What mechanism(s) are responsible for the differentiation of the asteroids
into metallic and rocky types?
- Why are there more Trojan asteroids in Jupiter's L4 point than its L5 point?
- Is 4 Vesta really differentiated? What is its geologic history?
- How do asteroids get pushed from their 'normal' orbits into Earth-crossing
What is the probability that a large comet or asteroid will hit the Earth
in any given year?
- The original plan for the Cassini
included an
asteroid encounter on its way to Saturn,
but it was dropped for cost reasons. The proposed
NEAR may visit the near-Earth asteroid
433 Eros.
... Sun
... Small Bodies
... Kuiper/Oort
... Asteroids
... Gaspra
Bill Arnett; last updated:
1995 August 8